Dr Ramin Loeschner
Lawyer, Partner
- Tel
- +49 (0)40 430 9802 20
- Fax
- +49 (0)40 430 9802 10
- ramin.loeschner@loeschnerlegal.com
You'll find Dr. Ramin Loeschner on LinkedIn.
Dr Ramin Loeschner specializes in mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures as well as corporate and commercial law matters, all in relation to a variety of industry sectors. He also regularly advises clients on real estate transactions. Dr Loeschner represents clients in litigation and alternative dispute resolution proceedings in relation to his specialty areas.
- Since 2006 – independent practise – Hamburg, Germany
- Allen & Overy LLP - Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg
(2001 - 2005) - Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP - Frankfurt am Main
(1997 - 2000)
- advising the German Alfred Talke special logistics group on the acquisitions of Hammer Logistik S.A., a Luxembourg dry bulk logistics company and Kruse Logistic Services, a German petrochemical logistics provider operating in the Leverkusen and Dormagen Chempark
- advising the Verder Group (the Netherlands) on the acquisition of Gero Hochtemperaturöfen GmbH
- advising Struik Foods (the Netherlands) on the acquisition of Sonnen Bassermann, a large German soup and readymeal producing business and brand, from the Heinz Group
- advising the German insolvency administrator Ottmar Hermann on the disposal of Karmann car roof systems and engineering businesses and on the restructuring and disposal of German Woolworth retail businesses
- advising Global Energy Services Siemsa, S.A. (Spain) on the acquisition of the German WKA group (rotorblade service provider)
- advising Superior Energy Services, Inc. (global provider of specialised oil and gasfield services) on the acquisition of Balance Point Control Germany
- advising a UK investor consortium on the acquisition of an automotive industrial park near Stuttgart from REWE-Süd
- advising an Irish financial institute on the financing of German real estate portfolios valued at over EUR 450 million
- advising the German insolvency administrator Ottmar Hermann on the disposal of German car dealership chain Georg von Opel
- advising GE in connection with its plastics joint venture with Bayer Leverkusen
- advising Edinburgh House on the acquisition of a logistics center from Tchibo AG under a sale-lease-back arrangement
- advising H&R Wasag AG on the acquisition of the group businesses and shares comprising the BP global special products business
- advising GE on the disposal of the CompuNet group to Computacenter Plc.
- Negligence of the claimant and multiple tortfeasors under German and US products liability, 2004, Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft (in German)
- Separated option rights and naked warrants, BankR 4/2002, 150 et seq. (in German)
- Germany: allocation of liability and damages between multiple liable parties under products liability, PHi 2/2002, 62 et seq. (in German)
- University of Bonn, Germany
- University of Frankfurt am Main (Dr. jur.)
- Rye, New York (1979-1983)
- Athens, Greece (1983-1985)
German, English, French, Greek

Dr David Guenther, LL.M.
Lawyer, Senior Associate
- Tel
- +49 (0)40 430 9802 18
- Fax
- +49 (0)40 430 9802 10
- david.guenther@loeschnerlegal.com
You'll find Dr. David Guenther on LinkedIn.
David Günther specializes in mergers and acquisitions, financing and general corporate and commercial matters, all in relation to a variety of industry sectors.
- Since 09/2023 LOESCHNER LEGAL
- 04/2021 - 07/2023 - Watson, Farley & Williams, Hamburg
- 09/2020 - 03/2021 - academic associate, Renzenbrink & Partner, Hamburg
- Special Purpose Acquisition Companies and the inefficiency of Capital Systems, 2021, Berlin, De Gruyter
- Commentary together with (i) Prof. Dr. Alexander Schall of Art. 7-12, and (ii) Prof. Dr. Schall and Dr. Michael Lamsa ofArt 13-28 of the Company Guideline in „Commentaries on International and Business Law“, 2021, Baden Baden, Nomos Verlag
- Commentary to BGH dd. 23.03.2017 – III ZR 93/16 together with Prof. Dr. Alexander Schall, EWiR 2017, 563-564
- Commentary together with Prof. Dr. Alexander Schall ofsecs. 362-379, 617-657, 859A-859R, 1000-1034,1060-1091 Companies Act in Schall, Companies Act 2006, 2012, München, Verlag Beck
- Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Germany
- Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (Dr. jur.)
- Research Stay Oxford University (GB)
German, English

Philipp Hopfe
Lawyer, Associate
- Tel
- +49 (0)40 430 9802 24
- Fax
- +49 (0)40 430 9802 10
- philipp.hopfe@loeschnerlegal.com
You'll find Philipp Hopfe on LinkedIn.
Philipp Hopfe specializes in mergers and acquisitions, financing and general corporate and commercial matters, all in relation to a variety of industry sectors.
- Since 03/2023 - LOESCHNER LEGAL
- 02/2022 - 10/2022 - academic associate, CMS Hasche Sigle Hamburg
- 03/2019 - 01/2021 - Junior Legal Counsel at COYO (now Haiio) GmbH
- Universität Hamburg, Germany
- Chicago Kent College of Law
- Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
German, English, Chinese

Kathrin Richard
Organizational/Personnel Development
- Tel
- +49 (0)40 430 9802 28
- Fax
- +49 (0)40 430 9802 10
- kathrin.richard@loeschnerlegal.com
You'll find Kathrin Richard on LinkedIn.
Kathrin Richard is responsible for organizational and personnel development of our team.
- Systemic Organization Adviser
- Systemic Business Coach
- Mental Couch/Trainer
- Lecturer
- Universität zu Köln (Mag. Art.)
- Lycée privé Notre Dame, Dijon (1987)
- Semester in Paris (1993)
German, English, French

Jana-Caroline Tuszynski
Office Assistant
- Tel
- +49 (0)40 430 9802 26
- Fax
- +49 (0)40 430 9802 10
- office@loeschnerlegal.com