Legal Notice

LOESCHNER Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Seat Hamburg

HRB 161033  Amtsgericht Hamburg

Managing Director: Dr Ramin Löschner

The address of our office is:
LOESCHNER Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Schulterblatt 58 (Alte Pianoforte Fabrik)
20357 Hamburg

+49 (0)40 430 9802 0
+49 (0)40 430 9802 10

Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer Hamburg
Valentinskamp 88
20355 Hamburg

+49 (0)40 357 441 - 0
+49 (0)40 357441 - 41

Rules and regulations governing professional conduct:
Relevant rules and regulations governing the professional conduct of lawyers (Rechtsanwälte) admitted in Germany:

- Federal Lawyers' Act (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung; BRAO)
- Lawyers' Compensation Act (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz; RVG)
- Rules of Professional Conduct (Berufsordnung; BORA)

The full text of these rules and regulations is available on (primarily in German language).

LOESCHNER Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH is registered for VAT purposes in Germany with VAT registration number DE327708782.

We have professional indemnity insurance led by HDI Versicherung AG, 30650 Hannover, Germany. The geographic scope of coverage includes activities in the member states of the European Union.

Copyright in this website’s content or any part thereof is owned by LOESCHNER Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH or its licensors. You may download, temporarily store and print one or more of the pages of this website for internal use within your organization. Any other download, storage, printing, copying, transmission or distribution of the content of, or the publications on this website requires the prior written consent of LOESCHNER Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH.

Information and Waiver of Liability:
Every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of any information and links on this website. However, any and all liability which might arise from your use of, or reliance on the accuracy of, the information or links contained on the website is excluded. The information on this website is general information and does not constitute legal advice.

Alternative dispute resolution:
In accordance with the German Consumer Dispute Resolution Code (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz – VSBG) our firm is not willing and not obliged to participate in alternative dispute resolution proceedings (Streitbeilegungsverfahren) before a consumer arbitration tribunal (Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle).

Information and Waiver of Liability:

Governing Law:
This legal information and all issues and disputes regarding this website are governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.